Find an agent

Deakin College has a network of representatives all over the world. In most cases, there will be at least one Deakin College representative in your city.

The role of a Deakin College representative is to help you with your application to study with Deakin College. You may need help selecting your Deakin College course or campus, or applying for a visa. Speaking with a Deakin College representative should ensure your enrolment is as easy and efficient as possible.

The list below provides the contact details of Deakin College representatives around the world.

Agent contact list

If you plan on seeking immigration advice or assistance, we recommend you use a migration agent who is a registered member from the Office of the Migration Registration Authority (OMARA). OMARA registered agents must meet high professional standards and their conduct is regulated, including the fees they are allowed to charge.  To find an OMARA registered migration agent, click here Register of Migration Agents

If you wish to use an unregistered agent outside of Australia, ensure  you understand what you can reasonably expect from them and know your options if the agent acts incompetently, dishonestly or fraudulently. If you suspect an unregistered migration agent is engaging in criminal behaviour, you should report them to your local law enforcement authority and inform your local immigration office.