If culture shock or homesickness get to you, you can always reach out to our Support Services team to talk about it. Learn more about the types of support we offer at Deakin College.
It’s normal to go through a period of adjustment while you’re getting used to your new environment, and to feel a sense of culture shock and homesickness.
Some symptoms of culture shock include:
feelings of cultural isolation
missing family and friends
panic and anxiety
loss of appetite/overeating
feeling confused, depressed and disorientated.
Most students new to Australia experience at least some of these symptoms, which can feel conflicting when it’s also a time of such excitement and expectation.
It’s important to remember you are not alone and there is a lot of support at Deakin College to help you deal with whatever you are feeling. Visit our Support page and get some tips on maximising your wellbeing.
Remember this phase is just that; a phase. It will pass and you will see that it’s also a huge time of personal growth. Take care of yourself and give yourself time to adjust.
Many things about Australia will feel foreign and strange but the more you explore its culture the more you will understand its people. Australians tend to be very friendly so don’t be afraid to ask questions. This will also be a great way to improve your English skills and meet new people.
Starting life in a new country can be a lonely time if you don’t know many people on campus. If you’re feeling shy and you’re not sure how to start making friends, remember that everyone starts campus life feeling awkward and scared. Reach out and be proactive. Initiate conversations. Start a study group. Getting involved with clubs and participating in social events and activities can be another great way to meet other people who are in the same position as you.
And there’s so much to do in Melbourne and Geelong. Explore all your new life has to offer both on and off campus. Go on excursions, to museums. Find a good local café and try new foods.
As an international student, you are responsible for meeting your visa conditions and following Australian laws. There are many laws to protect you during your time in Australia and most of these laws also apply equally to Australian citizens, residents and other temporary visa holders.
International students in Australia are protected by the Education Services for Overseas Students Act (ESOS Act). ESOS provides consumer protection for international students on a student visa, aims to enhance the quality of the student experience and protects the student visa program.
Deakin College understands what new students to Australia go through, and there are many support resources in place to help. It’s important during this time you make sure you are aware of all the support that is available to you on campus.
The Medical Centre and Counsellors both offer good support if you need somebody to talk to, or help creating coping strategies. There are also many study groups, mentoring programs and academic support systems which can help if you are struggling with your new work load.